Techno Tease | iKKi's Interest...

iKKi's Interest...

Anime Online?

More About Me...

This is just a simple blog for my interest. The topic depends on my mood and I'm currently in the mood to add anime. :) So if you want to watch any anime, just use the "Request Anime". I will review the anime before adding it. Have fun and enjoy your stay.

Another Tit-Bit...

If you cannot view the video or it is no longer available, please use the "Problem" and include the details needed. I will try to replace it asap. Thanks for your help. Like my blog? Then buy me a cup of coffee. :)

Techno Tease

Don't have the courage to chat him/her up? Let your gadgets do it for you.

  • Covertly text him/her when you're in the same room together with a big group (about anything-even just to say hi) instant secret tryst!

  • E-mail him/her a photo of a celeb that he/she sort of looks like (but only if the celeb is cute!) and tell him/her the picture made you think of him/her. Every guy/girl likes to be compared to famous hotties.

  • Ask him/her what ring tone he/she wants assigned to him/her on your cell-it sounds casual, but he/she will know you don't do it to every guy/girl. (Otherwise you'd never recognize your own phone ringing!)

  • Post a comment on one of his/her MySpace/Friendster/Facebook photos. Come up with something a bit more cleverly suggestive than the usual "ur cute". Like, for a rock-climbing pic: "So is it lonely at the top? :)"

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