Relationship Test - You think you're his girlfriend but does he? | iKKi's Interest...

iKKi's Interest...

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Relationship Test - You think you're his girlfriend but does he?

So... Is he into you? Or just making you think he is? Find out now.
  1. Have you been somewhere other than your/his bedroom?
  2. Would his friends know who you were if they answered his phone?
  3. Does he call or text you regularly during the week?
  4. When you're together at the pub, will he talk to you a lot?
  5. Is he still satisfied when your dates don't end in sex?
  6. Would he call to see how you are if you took the day off sick?
  7. Is he willing to meet your friends? And does he make an effort once he's there?
If your answers -
Mostly yes:
Congratulations. You're in what we call the beginning phase of a relationship. Take it slooow.

Mostly no:
Um, yeah. You know you're having casual sex, you just don't want to admit it.

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