Wagaya no Oinari-sama Summary | iKKi's Interest...

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Wagaya no Oinari-sama Summary

Genres: adventure, fantasy, supernatural
Number of episodes: 24
Description: Tenko Kuugen is a thousand-year-old demon fox that served as their guardian god for hundred of years, able to use all sort of spells, but has a extremely mischivious personility. Playing all sort of pranks until finally the Mitsuji family sealed it up. Until present day, when a situation forced them to free it after the crises, it quit it’s job and became the guardian god of the Takagami family. Extremely smart and curious, it was able to figure out modern world technology and learn to blend in but it has a personilty of doing as it please. It’s too old to remember it’s origional gender so it has both male and female form.
Credit To: Anime News Network

Want To Watch Wagaya no Oinari-sama Anime? Go here Wagaya no Oinari-sama


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