Pokemon The Movie 6 Summary | iKKi's Interest...

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Pokemon The Movie 6 Summary

Pokémon: Jirachi Wish Maker
Running Time: 81 minutes
Descriptions: The story revolves around the Millennium Comet, which appears in the night sky for seven days once every thousand years. It is, at the same time, when the legendary Pokémon Jirachi awakens from a long slumber to absorb the comet's energy. This energy, in turn, is released into the Earth itself, making an area known as Forina glow. This time, however, a magician known as Butler, along with his longtime girlfriend Diane, unearth the stone that had encased Jirachi, and take it away from Forina.

Meanwhile, in celebration of the Millennium Comet appearance, Ash Ketchum and company arrive at a festival where May buys a seven-panelled novelty that is said to grant a person one wish if a panel is closed for each night the comet appears. When Ash and Max accidentally volunteer for one of Butler's magic tricks, Max is introduced to Jirachi, who takes a liking to the four main characters.
Credits To: Wikipedia

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