Get FIT Playlist By Elsa Samuel | iKKi's Interest...

iKKi's Interest...

Anime Online?

More About Me...

This is just a simple blog for my interest. The topic depends on my mood and I'm currently in the mood to add anime. :) So if you want to watch any anime, just use the "Request Anime". I will review the anime before adding it. Have fun and enjoy your stay.

Another Tit-Bit...

If you cannot view the video or it is no longer available, please use the "Problem" and include the details needed. I will try to replace it asap. Thanks for your help. Like my blog? Then buy me a cup of coffee. :)

Get FIT Playlist By Elsa Samuel

If you simply must work out to a tune, then you will love! This amazing site allows you to download a 40-minute mix of music to accompany your workout! Just register at, and download music from your favourite artistes at fitMusic for free! It takes about one minute to download and you can save it in mp3 format, iTunes or download the mixes straight into your iPOD and you are good to go!

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