School Rumble (Season 1) Summary
Title: Sukuran, スクールランブル, 스쿨 럼블
Genres: action, comedy, drama, romance, slice of life, school life
Number of episodes: 26
Description: Tsukamoto Tenma is an ordinary 2nd year high school student who has fallen in love with one of her classmates, Karasuma Ooji. However, currently she is unable to confess her feelings to him. To make things worse, she found out that Karasuma is transferring to another school in a year. On the other hand, Tenma's other classmate, Harima Kenji (who is a delinquent) is also in love with Tenma. Not being able to confess his feelings, Harima gets depressed day by day.
Credits To: Anime News Network
Want To Watch School Rumble Anime? Go here School Rumble
Genres: action, comedy, drama, romance, slice of life, school life
Number of episodes: 26
Description: Tsukamoto Tenma is an ordinary 2nd year high school student who has fallen in love with one of her classmates, Karasuma Ooji. However, currently she is unable to confess her feelings to him. To make things worse, she found out that Karasuma is transferring to another school in a year. On the other hand, Tenma's other classmate, Harima Kenji (who is a delinquent) is also in love with Tenma. Not being able to confess his feelings, Harima gets depressed day by day.
Credits To: Anime News Network
Want To Watch School Rumble Anime? Go here School Rumble