Pokemon The Movie 1 Summary
Title: Pokemon the First Movie - Mewtwo vs. Mew
Running Time: 90 minutes
Descriptions: Mewtwo, a new type of Pokémon designed by scientists to be the ultimate fighter, decides he wants to rule the world and challenges all the great Pokémasters to battle. Of course, our intrepid heroes Ash, Misty, and Brock are there to tangle with Mewtwo and spoil his devilish schemes. The film is a tad more emotional than the show, with Ash sacrificing himself to defend his beloved Pikachu.
Credits To: Amazon
Want To Watch Pokemon The Movie 1 Anime? Go here Pokemon The Movie 1
Running Time: 90 minutes
Descriptions: Mewtwo, a new type of Pokémon designed by scientists to be the ultimate fighter, decides he wants to rule the world and challenges all the great Pokémasters to battle. Of course, our intrepid heroes Ash, Misty, and Brock are there to tangle with Mewtwo and spoil his devilish schemes. The film is a tad more emotional than the show, with Ash sacrificing himself to defend his beloved Pikachu.
Credits To: Amazon
Want To Watch Pokemon The Movie 1 Anime? Go here Pokemon The Movie 1
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