Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed Summary
Title: Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed, Shigofumi: ~Stories of Last Letter~, シゴフミ ~Stories of Last Letter~, 사후편지 (Korean)
Genres: drama, psychological, supernatural, fantasy, novel
Number of episodes: 12
Description: Man has to face many issues in real life, such as encountering people of different backgrounds, relationships with friends and family, and uneasiness towards the future. “Death” is one solution to them. Those who choose the solution, and those who give the solution to others….
“If I could read the message that a dead person wants to impart…”
The story begins when a living person receives the “Shigofumi" (after-death letter) from a dead person.
What do the dead want to say? Through these episodes concerning death, this story teaches them the reason for their existence and lives… That’s Shigofumi.
Credits To: Anime News Network & AnimeNfo.Com
Genres: drama, psychological, supernatural, fantasy, novel
Number of episodes: 12
Description: Man has to face many issues in real life, such as encountering people of different backgrounds, relationships with friends and family, and uneasiness towards the future. “Death” is one solution to them. Those who choose the solution, and those who give the solution to others….
“If I could read the message that a dead person wants to impart…”
The story begins when a living person receives the “Shigofumi" (after-death letter) from a dead person.
What do the dead want to say? Through these episodes concerning death, this story teaches them the reason for their existence and lives… That’s Shigofumi.
Credits To: Anime News Network & AnimeNfo.Com
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