Ghost Hunt Summary
Title: Ghost Hunt/ゴーストハント (Japanese)
Genres: comedy, drama, horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural
Number of episodes: 25
Description: Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR) is an organization headed by Shibuya "Naru" Kazuya that studies psychic phenomena. They undertake the thorough scientific investigation of any and all psychic phenomena as requested by their clients.
One day, Taniyama Mai, a high school student, accidentally injures Rin, an assistant to Naru. She begins as a substitute for Rin, and from then continues to work part-time at the SPR.
Ghosts, spirits, curses…
Follow the adventures of the members of the SPR as they team up with psychics such as the monk Takigawa Hoshi, John Brown the exorcist, Hara Masako the medium, and Matsuzaki Ayako the shrine maiden, to solve numerous horror mysteries.
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