How to Attract a Man Finally Revealed
So you want to know how to attract a man ? Wouldn't it be great if you were handed a booklet entitled girls dating rules? It would save us all a lot of time and heart ache wouldn't it. Unfortunately this manual on love was not created and handed out when we were girls. Fortunately history provides a great deal of evidence that there are specific techniques that you can use to attract men subtly and effectively.
Seduction Divas throughout history may not have sat down and created a how to meet men guide but if you look at their actions you can see that various subtle techniques were used. Here are just a few clues to their strategies of now just how to date a man but how to keep him:
1) Know what you want and have a strategy. Cleopatra knew exactly who she wanted and actually had herself delivered to him in rolled up in one of his rugs. She distinguished herself from every other woman by using this unique strategy to get his attention.
2) Know that it is less about beauty and more about intellect. Cleopatra was not an attractive looking woman by far. She looked absolutely nothing like the lovely Elizabeth Taylor. She used her wits to get and keep her man.
3) Keep him fascinated, intrigued and guessing. Think of the story of the Arabian nights where a lovely young woman keeps a King from killing her by telling him fascinating stories night after night. He fell in love not with her beauty but with her ability to keep him fascinated.
4) Go the extra mile. You may not have been graced with Marilyn Monroe's figure ( which by today's standards would be considered overweight ) but you can use some of her techniques. Can you picture Marilyn leaving the house to go to the mall in her sweats? Never. The image that you present to the world when you leave the house is the same image that you are presenting to the men that you wish to date. Think about that before you venture out.
5) Wear clothing that is tasteful and suits your body type. Audrey Hepburn is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. She developed her own style, that fit her body type and also always remained tasteful. A well dressed, put together woman will always gain appropriate notice. This means that you will get the respectful requests to go out and not the beer sudden leers that a woman with half her chest sticking out will get.
6) Use your body language to reveal your desire. Watch the most romantic movies of our time and notice that they all have one thing in common - eye contact. These women know how to meet and hold the gaze of the man they desire. They have open welcoming body language. And they follow this up with a slow smile. These men don't know what hit them. Most women are afraid to meet the eyes of the guys that they are interested in, let alone keep this contact. Distinguish yourself with this one ability and watch your calendar fill up with fun, romantic dates.
About the Author:
Caterina Christakos is the author of the Seduction Game for Women. Learn step by step how to attract and seduce a man today at:
Technorati Tags: Relationship , Date , Seduce , How To Attract A Man
Seduction Divas throughout history may not have sat down and created a how to meet men guide but if you look at their actions you can see that various subtle techniques were used. Here are just a few clues to their strategies of now just how to date a man but how to keep him:
1) Know what you want and have a strategy. Cleopatra knew exactly who she wanted and actually had herself delivered to him in rolled up in one of his rugs. She distinguished herself from every other woman by using this unique strategy to get his attention.
2) Know that it is less about beauty and more about intellect. Cleopatra was not an attractive looking woman by far. She looked absolutely nothing like the lovely Elizabeth Taylor. She used her wits to get and keep her man.
3) Keep him fascinated, intrigued and guessing. Think of the story of the Arabian nights where a lovely young woman keeps a King from killing her by telling him fascinating stories night after night. He fell in love not with her beauty but with her ability to keep him fascinated.
4) Go the extra mile. You may not have been graced with Marilyn Monroe's figure ( which by today's standards would be considered overweight ) but you can use some of her techniques. Can you picture Marilyn leaving the house to go to the mall in her sweats? Never. The image that you present to the world when you leave the house is the same image that you are presenting to the men that you wish to date. Think about that before you venture out.
5) Wear clothing that is tasteful and suits your body type. Audrey Hepburn is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. She developed her own style, that fit her body type and also always remained tasteful. A well dressed, put together woman will always gain appropriate notice. This means that you will get the respectful requests to go out and not the beer sudden leers that a woman with half her chest sticking out will get.
6) Use your body language to reveal your desire. Watch the most romantic movies of our time and notice that they all have one thing in common - eye contact. These women know how to meet and hold the gaze of the man they desire. They have open welcoming body language. And they follow this up with a slow smile. These men don't know what hit them. Most women are afraid to meet the eyes of the guys that they are interested in, let alone keep this contact. Distinguish yourself with this one ability and watch your calendar fill up with fun, romantic dates.
About the Author:
Caterina Christakos is the author of the Seduction Game for Women. Learn step by step how to attract and seduce a man today at:
Technorati Tags: Relationship , Date , Seduce , How To Attract A Man
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