6 Items Of Clothing To Get Any Man's Heart Racing | iKKi's Interest...

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6 Items Of Clothing To Get Any Man's Heart Racing

6 Items Of Clothing To Get Any Man's Heart Racing

  • A G-string - we don't care about the size of your butt as much as you do.
  • The LBD - classic, elegant and with just enough of neckline to have us wondering what you have underneath.
  • A uniform of any description - there's just something so hot about disrobing an authority figure.
  • A business suit - see uniforms.
  • Strappy tops - cut so they reveal that so sexy spot between the shoulder blades.
  • Our shirts - sure you swim in them but there's just-spent-the-night familiarity about these items.

5 Men Confess

What's the dumbest thing you've done while drunk?

"I've done some people I shouldn't have. Does that count?" - Tim, 30

"Asked if I could try on my girlfriend's lingerie. I thought it would be a turn-on, but it was a bad idea." - Jake, 25

"Rung up and ex I had dumped and begged her to take me back." - Richard, 22

"Asked a girl who was great in bed - and that's all she had going for her - to marry me." Mark, 33

"Everything I had to be reminded about the next day." - Warwick, 29

About The Author:
David Smiedt

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Ooh... More ideas - what to get for men.

  2. iKKi said...

    Thanks for the idea. :) I have wrote that article. Cheers.

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