How to Download Games For PSP By Authors | iKKi's Interest...

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How to Download Games For PSP By Authors

Downloading music movies and games to your PSP are very simple - you simply follow these 9 steps...

1. Connect the PSP to your PC with a USB cable.

2.Press the "home" button on the PSP (it's a tiny button to the lower left of the screen) then use the left-right directional buttons to find "Settings", then the up-down buttons to find "USB Connection" on the PSP.

3.Press the "X" button (you got it, the round button with the "X" on it) and your PSP should display "USB Connection".

4.In a moment or two your computer should tell you that a new USB device has been connected, then show you a new generic hard drive, usually E: or F:

5.Click on the drive letter that corresponds to the PSP unit.

6.Now create a new folder on that drive and name it "psp".

7.Within the new "psp" folder create another folder, and name it "games".

8.Copy your desired mp3 files into the new "games" folder.

9.When you're done copying your desired music tracks, press the "O" button on the PSP to get out of USB connect mode.

And from there your good to go! You just simply use your left-right arrows to move to your music area, than the up-down areas to select your memory stick, than simply choose your folder and your desired games.

To learn more about how, and where to download games to your PSP go to -

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